The kitchen garden this June. That's oregano in the center pot, need any? |
Since I have been staying home with Batman, I have been able to putter around the garden a little more than past summers. This month I have also taken the first real break from my usual
pottery fanaticism. The hot weather we've had lately has made me extra lazy. I hope to be able to leave the house for longer lengths of time soon since Batman is feeling more secure in his new home. It is my plan to work again at the Potters Guild a few times a week.
After a very slow start at my 577 Foundation garden, things are finally coming around. I had planted 2 types of dwarf sunflower seeds plus zinnia seeds, in anticipation that I'd have lots of cut flowers this summer. Much to my dismay, the seeds were either bad or the birds ate nearly all the seeds or both. I believe I will be fortunate to end up with only four sunflower plants. I have now filled in with zinnia plants, yellow squash and other late season sale plants. My food bank eggplants are still rather sad however I have been experimenting with some new organic fertilizers, Happy Frog and Tiger Bloom. I have high hopes that they will soon be respectable. Tim, Batman and I have been regularly visiting 577 after dinner. "Batty" loves going there.
Batman's favorite spot is the shady steps of the pottery studio. |