Thursday, July 24, 2014

Whose blog is this anyways?


At times this blog sounds like an advertorial for Christopher's business but it's not. He just has this way of making my ideas come to fruition. He sees my little sketches and clippings, then executes my ideas really well. This summer's project was the cedar deck and trellis. He was able to build over the existing concrete patio that I never liked. Not having to remove the patio meant we didn't need to disturb the adjoining foundation of the house, a huge plus. You can now walk out from the screened porch on to the deck without a big step down.

I am also fortunate that Jason has been also available to provide some landscaping assistance with the garden beds. He was also able to add the brick landing which now transitions right into the existing walkway. I am so grateful to be able to turn to these brothers for helping make this home a place I don't want to leave.

Garden update
New raised bed by the studio
By my own choosing, this may be my last summer gardening at the 577 Foundation. If it is, I will certainly miss seeing many of other gardeners and staff. However, with the addition of a raised bed that Christopher just built and Jason filled, I should be able to do all my gardening right here at home. I am more attentive to the garden that is in my backyard. The new raised bed currently looks like a grave but I am hoping the soil will settle by the time I need to plant my garlic in the fall.

The kitchen garden and the tomatoes are also doing well but still am waiting for the tomatoes to ripen. I do love container gardening with more new pots this year from John Thies (the big ones) and myself. The studio (built by Christopher) always looks snappy this time of year.

My gardening pal

One can never have too many pots.

My private haven
The tomatoes are as tall as ever.
They love the warmth of the brick walk.

The following photos show some garlic that I harvested yesterday from my 577 garden plot as well as the onions growing there.


Sunday, June 1, 2014

The return to blogging

Today the peonies really blossomed.
After our dismal winter here in northwest Ohio and other life events, I was not up to posting. Feeling better and happy that spring finally did arrive, I feel I am not ready to abandon this blog just yet.

A willow cloche hides the
dying leaves of  the hyacinths.
Spring did come although it arrived a few weeks later than usual. This year we sought the help of a garden guy, Jason (Christopher's brother), to help clean up the backyard, remove unwanted shrubs and damaged boxwoods and replant some new ones. I was then able to focus on the planning and planting kitchen garden, flower beds and containers as well as the garden plot at the 577. I know it is a combination of a lot of work, aching muscles and age that I welcome Jason's help. He's a brute!

More sharing later this summer.

This 3-yr.old white clematis survived the
bunnies and a brutal winter.