Monday, May 23, 2011

So glad that it's over…

Suki, the resident cat at the studio,  is also happy that
the commotion of the open house is over.
The trips to RI and Florida, the open houses at Angelwood Gallery and the Manabigama Pottery Center, are all behind me now. I am looking forward to "down time" to focus on making new pots, working in the garden, and seeing some friends.

I'm ready to garden however the unseasonal weather has made for muddy conditions. It hasn't even been necessary to water any sprouting seeds which I planted a few weeks back at the Foundation. The seedlings and plants now just want a little more sun. I need to check on them today and hope to get the tomatoes and peppers planted this week there and in my kitchen garden. What I fear is that we will get instant heat once this weather breaks. Wouldn't it be nice if the weather found a middle ground?

Green sgraffito pots that have
found new homes. The Gingko leaf design
is shown on the left.
I couldn't be happier that my debut as a professional potter went so well. My sgraffito porcelain pots sold so well, I know for sure that this is my niche for time being. I enjoy making them and there appears to be a market for them. Income from the sales has paid for several months rent for the studio so I can't complain. I'm currently working on a series of gingko leaf pots since there have been requests for them.

I now need to take some time to try out different clay bodies. Since I have not decided on a specific supplier or clay brand, this needs to be decided upon. My former printmaking prof in grad school is the local Laguna Clay supplier. I recently stopped by his studio to pick up an assortment of clay and it was a pleasure to see and chat with him. He always has words of wisdom to share that pertains to what I'm doing. That's a good teacher.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Events reminder for you local folks…

Event  One on May 14
Event Two on May 21 & 22
Hope everyone around here can make it to either or both events.
Julie always has a nice food spread at her Angelwood Gallery events.
John and Tiffany also are busy making lots of pots, some great stuff! Plus it's my big debut!