Tuesday, May 28, 2013

My favorite time of year

Early view of the kitchen garden and pottery studio.

Before it suddenly feels like summer, I just wanted to post some early images of the garden. Our spring weather has been so erratic, I think the plants are confused. I know I am. In the meantime, have been busy pinning garden ideas on Pinterest, shopping, planting and transplanting. And Tim has been lugging bags of potting soil, mulching and digging holes.

As in the past, I go on a shopping frenzy at the greenhouses, farmers' markets and the TBG plant sale. I review my plant journal for last year's successes, failures and favorite places to shop. The only seeds I purchased this year were from The Cook's Garden. Bush beans (Filet Triomphe de Farcy), cutting zinnias and short teddy bear sunflowers. The bean seeds have just been planted in my kitchen garden and the flowers are still growing slowly in flats.

A container filled with succulents.
I enjoy container gardening because it provides that pop of color all summer long. My favorite annuals that go in pots are Persian Shields, Pentas and blue Salvias. Despite the powdery mildew scare, I still bought a flat of white impatiens for the barrels that flanked my studio door. Since I had no problems last year, I am hoping to be free of the nasty mildew spores.

Patio pots and clematis on the trellis.
In my next post, I will provide an update to my community garden plot at the 577 Foundation.
Mozzie loves spring too.
In the foreground, leeks from last year.