Saturday, June 4, 2011

Nice weather finally!

The first planting in my kitchen garden that was put in last fall.

Pretty much everything that needed to be planted now has been
done in my kitchen garden, the garden at 577 and my containers.
Now that the weather has finally warmed up, the flowers are
blooming, the vegetables are growing and spring is looking glorious.

The kitchen garden as seen from the back kitchen door.

For the past several years this clematis has produced many
blooms on both the front and back sides of this trellis patio fence.

Patio view of the clematis.
Yard view 

The rose bush in the front yard.
This rose bush has always been a favorite of mine.
A few years back a landscaper wanted to take it out and
I wouldn't let him. He was looking for some balance or symmetry in the landscape. Didn't agree and never regretted that decision. I love nurturing it.

The boxwood bed in the backyard has my favorite tuteur
(trellis) that Tim made for me quite a few years ago.  

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