Saturday, March 17, 2012

Facebook out, Pinterest in…

There was a time not that long ago that I was checking my Facebook page practically every time I logged on my computer. These days I go on just for the occasional glance at posts or pictures, to send a birthday message or to contact a friend.

Current obsession: Pinterest. For the longest time I couldn't understand the point of pinning pictures. Now I get it! It provides a way to sort into categories and save links to everything you are interested in without having to bookmark sites, dragging images on your desktop or remember URLs. It's also a way to share what you find with others that share your various passions and vice versa. Whether it's remembering a favorite piece of art, a link to a recipe or a how-to video on YouTube, this is an organized way to follow favorite "pinners"(one who pins) and your own interest "boards." Right now I'm building a library of links and pictures at quite a fast pace, I'm sure my collecting frenzy will become more selective in time. Your boards are an open book for others to see so you can choose to follow a friend's recent pins or check a subject board of theirs you'd find interesting. You can "pin" (find and save an image off a site) or you can "re-pin" (which means you are saving a pin another person you are following has found. One can find friends under an interest category, then they can choose to follow that person who shares the similar tastes. I now have "friends" from all over the country as well as in Europe, Israel and Japan. Very, very cool. (and addicting too).

A portion of my boards. Each photo represents a link to the
original photo and site. You click on the photo and it directs
you to the original site.

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