Saturday, March 19, 2011

Perfect, pretty, clean, and some new stuff

^5 thrown & sgraffito

Since this is my last week of working in wet clay, I am frantically taking full advantage of the ceramics studio. I heard we are supposed to have a 300-lb. limit of clay. I have no idea how much I've used but I do know it's been a lot. The last class is April 18 so after this week I'll just be glazing and finishing my pieces. This won't require too much of my time so I'll be able to turn my focus on my gardens, catching up with friends and getting set up in my future pottery studio. Perfect timing!

^10 thrown & altered
Last week I broke down and purchased an iPhone4. For someone who never even bothered turning their cell on, this is quite an upgrade. I had been considering an iPod Touch so I could get music and Wi-Fi access but realized I really wanted was anywhere access, iTunes, text messaging, a camera (with optional flash) and a phone. I am now accessible, can make hands-free calls in my car and have an iPod
in my phone. Pretty cool!

Now the downside of this purchase was that my MacBook Pro's operating system was too old to run the newest iTunes which was on the iPhone. This necessitated an installation of the Snow Leopard OS. I had actually installed it before. I had purchased it years ago only to find that the printer-drivers were not yet available for my printer and had to revert to the original OS. So last week I tried to upgrade the system again. Long story short, apparently this caused my hard drive to crash beyond repair losing everything. Aggravation and $230 later, I now have the most current hard drive with about twice the space I had previously. I believe I now have all my apps re-loaded. Clean slate!

^10 thrown & carved
Tim spent today photographing Julie's new wood-fired pots plus a sampling of my latest work done at the art museum. Here's some new stuff of mine.

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